Create a DNA double helix from an input curve. Takes an input curve and instances for the bases, returns instances of the bases in a double helix formation
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Curve | Geometry |
None | |
Bases | Geometry |
None | |
Rot. Sec. Strand | Float |
0.0 |
Unzip | Float |
1.0 |
Rotation | Float |
0.0 |
Unwind | Float |
1.0 |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Base Instances | Geometry |
None | |
Helix Curve | Geometry |
None |
Provide the DNA bases as instances to be styled and passed onto the Double Helix node
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Collection | Collection |
<bpy_struct, Collection("prim_DNA") at 0x147bc0930> |
dA | Color |
[0.306, 0.967, 0.148, 1.0] |
dC | Color |
[0.213, 0.455, 0.621, 1.0] |
dG | Color |
[0.738, 0.246, 0.8, 1.0] |
dT | Color |
[0.8, 0.436, 0.225, 1.0] |
Backbone Color | Bool |
True |
Backbone | Color |
[0.799, 0.109, 0.125, 1.0] |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Bases | Geometry |
None | |
Color | Color |
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] |
Style the DNA bases with spheres only visible in Cycles
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Bases | Geometry |
None | |
Selection | Bool |
Selection of atoms to apply this node to | True |
Scale Radii | Float |
1.0 |
Material | Material |
Material to apply to the resulting geometry | None |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Bases | Geometry |
None |
Style the DNA bases with spheres visible in Cycles and EEVEE
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Bases | Geometry |
None | |
Selection | Bool |
Selection of atoms to apply this node to | True |
Scale Radii | Float |
1.0 |
Subdivisions | Int |
None | |
Shade Smooth | Bool |
Apply smooth shading to the created geometry | True |
Material | Material |
Material to apply to the resulting geometry | None |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Bases | Geometry |
None |
Style the DNA bases with surface representation
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Bases | Geometry |
None | |
Selection | Bool |
Selection of atoms to apply this node to | True |
Resolution | Int |
None | |
Radius | Float |
1.0 |
Probe Size | Float |
0.0 |
Subdivision Surface | Int |
None | |
Color by CA | Bool |
True |
Interpolate Color | Int |
None | |
Shade Smooth | Bool |
Apply smooth shading to the created geometry | True |
Material | Material |
Material to apply to the resulting geometry | None |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Bases | Geometry |
None |
Style the DNA bases with ball and stick representation
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Bases | Geometry |
None | |
Selection | Bool |
Selection of atoms to apply this node to | True |
Shade Smooth | Bool |
Apply smooth shading to the created geometry | True |
Ball Resolution | Int |
None | |
Ball Radius | Float |
0.3 |
Find Bonds | Bool |
False |
Bond Resolution | Int |
None | |
Bond Radius | Float |
0.2 |
Material | Material |
Material to apply to the resulting geometry | None |
Split Double Bonds | Bool |
False |
Double Bond Curve | Float |
1.0 |
Double Bond Width | Float |
1.13 |
Double Bond Resolution | Int |
None | |
Double Bond Radius | Float |
0.8 |
Double Bond Rotate | Float |
0.0 |
Name | Type | Description | Default |
Bases | Geometry |
None |